just.imagine.heaven: We're racing to see which baby finishes their bottle first. Any guesses? Baby O or Baby J? #WIDN Tagged by @delawaremama I tag @dancegirly9 and @racheldfrancisco What are you doing now? #FosterCare #MeliusManor
just.imagine.heaven: Back on Denver soil after circling the airport 3 times. #FlyingTheFriendlySkies #GladToBeHome #MissingTheNape
just.imagine.heaven: Honored to be named Foster Parents of the year this evening. Since Jared is out of town Rebecca joined me and we had a lovely dinner and even won a few raffle prizes. Woo! #WeNeedMoreFosterParents
just.imagine.heaven: I miss ferry boats! Guess who's in town and brought me a new mug? #Starbucks #Seattle
just.imagine.heaven: It was a little cold for a night game this evening. Brr!! #BaseballIsLifeRightNow
just.imagine.heaven: When your friend is pregnant and obsessed with Asian food, you're Asian, and she thinks you know how to cook Asian food you go along with it because that's what friends do. Then you invite her over for lunch to cook with you and the meal turns out incredi
just.imagine.heaven: We had to pick up some more pine shavings for the chickens today, and this girl tried to talk me into getting baby chicks (we have 38 chickens), and mini-goats. What?? I almost did it too. They're pretty cute and friendly. #OldMcMeliusHadAFarm
just.imagine.heaven: Spent a few hours here this afternoon catching up on stuff and correcting schoolwork. #BoyersCoffee #LoveThisPlace
just.imagine.heaven: Grilling season is back! Or maybe it never ended. Chicken, sticky rice, and a cucumber salad on the menu tonight. πŸ˜‹
just.imagine.heaven: 80 degrees and pretty walking trails at the baseball field makes grading schoolwork not get done. 😜#BaseballPractice #WalkingInPlatformWedges #HitThatStepGoal
just.imagine.heaven: Christ is risen! Alleluia!
just.imagine.heaven: Swaddle blankets are no match for this guy when he'd rather have his thumb over his binky. #CutestLittleThumbSucker
just.imagine.heaven: It might be Holy Week, but it also feels like funeral season. 😳Today is funeral number three. Number four will be after Easter. Whew! Salad anyone? #FuneralLuncheon #MaundyThursday
just.imagine.heaven: Baseball with six kids while the other two kids are at baseball at another field. #baseballislife
just.imagine.heaven: The babies are sleeping and we're done with school for the week. No baseball or therapies today, so I might actually get some sewing projects cut out. Woo!
just.imagine.heaven: Baseball season is in full swing. . .until the snow storm rolls in. ⚾️
just.imagine.heaven: I've learned that making hard boiled eggs by steaming them makes them easier to peel. Yay!
just.imagine.heaven: Things are growing in the garden. I think these are peas. They weren't labeled. I also think a storm is supposed to roll in. πŸ’¨
just.imagine.heaven: This little guy is sick and won't let me put him down, so we went out to see the chickens and check on the garden.
just.imagine.heaven: Every Sunday I feel like I'm forgetting something when we leave for church even though it seems like we pack the entire house when we go anywhere.
just.imagine.heaven: Wining and dining at Spero Winery!πŸ·πŸ“ Happy birthday Kaele and Rilla!πŸŽ‚
just.imagine.heaven: The temperature made it to 80 degrees here today, so school happened outside. β˜€οΈπŸ““
just.imagine.heaven: Friends with babies who can't blow their noses, you need this. It's disgusting and awesome at the same time. When @dancegirly9 told me about it I thought she was insane. A NICU nurse also told me about it and I also thought she was crazy. Then we got some
just.imagine.heaven: Drive-thru Thursdays makes Chick-Fil-A and affordable lunch for 8. 😊 #EatMorChikin πŸ“
just.imagine.heaven: This is what happens when your friend's husband is a Colorado Buffs alumni that has been taunting you because of our big game Friday night. Are there any other CU Buffs that want to purchase the Husky special on a dozen eggs? #pac12championship #BeatTheBu
just.imagine.heaven: When the manager at Wendy's loves you she'll shower you with Arby's coupons, Frosty keychains, and discount your meal, for 8 people, to $14! #ShesHilarious #BuyFrostyKeychains #KeychainsSupportFosterCare #KeychainsAreFreeIceCreamForAYear
just.imagine.heaven: I hear that it's National Espresso day! β˜•οΈ 🍩 #EspressoDiscountAtDunkinDonuts #AmericaRunsOnDunkin #CatchingUpOnEmail
just.imagine.heaven: When you don't feel good, but you don't want anyone else to miss church, you suck it up and get in the car. 😷 #LazyMovieDayForAnna
just.imagine.heaven: Do you want to build a snowman?πŸŽ€πŸŽΌβ›„οΈ The girls built several snow men all over the year today. #WeFinallyHaveSnow ❄️
just.imagine.heaven: A little snow isn't going to stop us from getting together for coffee. β˜•οΈβ„οΈ