BlacknWhiteKenzie: Pretty purple flower that is sprouting outside my house.
BlacknWhiteKenzie: I love Sundays since there's time to make a nice breakfast. Scrambled eggs, custard-style (with oregano from the garden!) and no rain outside just yet. Sundays rock!
BlacknWhiteKenzie: One serving of Ernest Poached Eggs, complete with spinach, rocket, halloumi, pancetta and smothered in glorious Hollandaise Sauce. Oh yeah!
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Bowling shoes are cool.
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Haven't played badminton since high school, forgot how much fun it is!!
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Enjoying the wildlife (fleeing from us?).
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Happy Birthday Eileen! Lovely delicious cake.
BlacknWhiteKenzie: These napkins remind me of home.
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Korean snacks for dessert....tasty!
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Time for a movie!
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Delicious and devoured in seconds...a Peanut Butter Crunch bar from Pet Lamb Patisserie. Those gals create amazing treats!
BlacknWhiteKenzie: A truly decadent treat: Pet Lamb Patisserie cupcakes....mmmmm!!
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Bring on the Gouda, Cheddar, Mozzarella, etc....fantastic words from the page-a-day!
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Lunchtime spinning = sweaty fun lunch! (who would think I could ever think this?)
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Delicious treat time @ Costa!
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Our newest kitchen appliance?
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Colorful & delicious Persian food to celebrate a special birthday(Happy 21st Caitlin!!)
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Waffle & fruit mish-mosh for breakfast, somewhat healthy?!
BlacknWhiteKenzie: An adventure for my tastebuds?
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Such very wise words from the Page A Day Calendar ...
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Cat optical illusions?
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Sunday sweet tooth fix: Raspberry Tart.
BlacknWhiteKenzie: My beige buffet working lunch - still not sure what the crouton encrusted ball-thing was?!
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Hallway art - I kinda wanna stand here and decipher it.
BlacknWhiteKenzie: My train journey breakfast: Latte & PB&J .... the fella next to me has opted for an 8:45am Heineken. Oh boy.
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Wasabi Kit Kat and water. The post-run snack of champions!
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Enjoying an al fresco cup o' tea (in my cute mug from my sister).
BlacknWhiteKenzie: Breakfast complete with a sweet little spoon love note.
BlacknWhiteKenzie: And little feathered friends have arrived to enjoy this spot as well.