Melissa Gira Grant: Across from Fort Meade this morning, Betty Boop salutes.
Melissa Gira Grant: #justice4trayvon
Melissa Gira Grant: #justice4trayvon, Union Square
Melissa Gira Grant: "MY money's no whore."
Melissa Gira Grant: Sex workers stands with all workers
Melissa Gira Grant: Lining up for oral arguments at the Supreme Court.
Melissa Gira Grant: Stigma, alphabetized.
Melissa Gira Grant: SHELL GAME, in the wild.
Melissa Gira Grant: Inside Laurenn McCubbin's "A Monument to the Risen" (2013). This is a recreation of a peep show booth, with a video I shot inside the peep show I worked at projected on a video interview Laurenn shot with me over the last year.
Melissa Gira Grant: Laurenn McCubbin's "A Monument to the Risen" (2013)
Melissa Gira Grant: Inside Laurenn McCubbin's "A Monument to the Risen" (2013)
Melissa Gira Grant: Laurenn McCubbin's "A Monument to the Risen" (2013)
Melissa Gira Grant: Laurenn McCubbin's "A Monument to the Risen" (2013)
Melissa Gira Grant: To get to the Duke Women's Center you have to go past the Police office across the hall.
Melissa Gira Grant: Inside Laurenn McCubbin's installation, "A Monument to the Risen."
Melissa Gira Grant: Good morning, North Carolina.
Melissa Gira Grant: Montreal, #manifencours, #ggi (May 2012)
Melissa Gira Grant: New Orleans
Melissa Gira Grant: Glenn Beck's Jeans Guy
Melissa Gira Grant: Funeral for Montreal's Red Light District
Melissa Gira Grant: Funeral for Montreal's Red Light District
Melissa Gira Grant: Funeral for Montreal's Red Light District
Melissa Gira Grant: Funeral for Montreal's Red Light District
Melissa Gira Grant: Funeral for Montreal's Red Light District
Melissa Gira Grant: Boatel, Rockaways
Melissa Gira Grant: The Nancy Boggs, Boatel, Rockaways
Melissa Gira Grant: The Nancy Boggs, Boatel, Rockaways
Melissa Gira Grant: The Nancy Boggs, Boatel, Rockaways
Melissa Gira Grant: The Nancy Boggs, Boatel, Rockaways