VHein: Costumed Model-Moulin Rouge-2015 #4
eschipul: the sofa
eschipul: the stare
eschipul: the sketchy gallery
eschipul: Michelle Rukny at Dr Sketchy
eschipul: Dr. Sketchy
eschipul: kat as cat
Loobeensky: Here Comes The Sun (Again)
Tugboat Printshop: Printing block to paper (super close up)
eve.eire: dandelion
park sunga: Ferencvárosi R.k. P. templom
Suzanna Scott: Head In The Clouds
astropop: "Manual of the Diseases of the Eye for Students and General Practitioners," Charles H. May M.D., (1939 edition, orig, 1900)
lirondamir: #morningtrain #moleskine #sketchbook
bluelotusflower: Buffalo Bill
bluelotusflower: Voyages Extraordinaires 2
淡定紅茶: IMG_2198 1
mariah...: patrick Lando Mcquade for jkpp
ErikVanElven: Plein air
National Science and Media Museum: Page from "Mecanisme de la Physionomie Humaine"
hollie chastain: work desk
Double--M: Brockhaus & Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 532 of "Histoire de la Belgique ... Troisième edition, entièrement refondue et ... augmentée, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 8 of "Jezebel's Daughter"
Patrick King: Daily Drawing 14 - Drawing Rico Lebrun’s Seated Clown with Thick and Thin Lines