Mel Gray: Warthog departing_DSC9384
Mel Gray: Elephant at Okaukuejo_DSC3669
Mel Gray: Elusive cheetah_IMG6668
Mel Gray: Fieldmouse_IMG7659
Mel Gray: Kudu group_DSC8237
Mel Gray: Lion resting_IMG9625
Mel Gray: Young lion mono_IMG9544
Mel Gray: Lion mono_IMG9550
Mel Gray: Lone male bull_DSC2804
Mel Gray: Loving gaze_DSC2958
Mel Gray: Giraffe & zebra at Mbari waterhole_DSC7758
Mel Gray: Zebra & gnu at Mbari waterhole_DSC7766
Mel Gray: Elephant & young_IMG4123
Mel Gray: Elephant mom & young_IMG4153
Mel Gray: Attentive oryx & young_DSC9569
Mel Gray: Oryx & young at Okaukuejo waterhole_DSC9579
Mel Gray: Oryx & young at waterhole_DSC9580
Mel Gray: Oryx family_DSC9572
Mel Gray: Oryx pair_DSC6537
Mel Gray: Oryx & calf_DSC9597
Mel Gray: Oryx & young departing_DSC9598
Mel Gray: Springbok drinking_DSC9393
Mel Gray: Springbok herd in the grass_DSC7816 copy
Mel Gray: Springbok group_DSC8789 copy
Mel Gray: Oryx at Okaukuejo waterhole_DSC9379
Mel Gray: Springbok at Okaukuejo waterhole_DSC9408
Mel Gray: Okaukuejo waterhole_DSC9461
Mel Gray: Making way for the eles_DSC6838
Mel Gray: Waterhole to myself_DSC6841
Mel Gray: Elephant at the waterhole_DSF3205