mel davis: Path in the Woods at Clamart after Matisse
mel davis: Path in the Woods at Clamart after Matisse
mel davis: Path in the Woods at Clamart after Matisse
mel davis: Path in the Woods at Clamart after Matisse
mel davis: Path in the Woods at Clamart after Matisse
mel davis: Path in the Woods at Calmart after Matisse
mel davis: Path in the Woods at Clamart after Matisse
mel davis: Path in the Woods at Clamart after Matisse
mel davis: I remember this tree
mel davis: When he pulls back on the oars
mel davis: Path in the Woods at Clamart after Matisse
mel davis: Path in the Woods at Calmart after Matisse
mel davis: Treeline
mel davis: maaf2
mel davis: maaf6
mel davis: maaf5
mel davis: Mountains are a feeling
mel davis: maaf3
mel davis: maaf1
mel davis: blue nights
mel davis: maaf
mel davis: mountains are a feeling
mel davis: flay
mel davis: the voyager looks homeward
mel davis: river run
mel davis: another day
mel davis: alpha beta gaga
mel davis: cherry blossom girl
mel davis: hot flash
mel davis: there's something about you