Princess MeLeia: I was trying to get a couple of images that expressed the energy of the show and fun as well as the heat of #havanarumba2012 - it moves non stop for the whole show
Princess MeLeia: "Rumba is a vertical expression of a horizontal wish" at #havanarumba2012 with @igerslondon last night for @udderbellyfest
Princess MeLeia: Bring it - some women's bodies are just made for Rumba #havanarumbashow #havanarumba2012 #igerslondon
Princess MeLeia: A completely orgasmically explosive show that is full of fun #havanarumba2012 #havanarumbashow
Princess MeLeia: At one point during the #lfphflashmob event we were asked to walk as far as we could and photograph something that took our interest. I found someone using his phone for something other than taking pictures, I'm not sure who was more curious me or him
Princess MeLeia: We were asked to photograph a cheesy close up - this lady got to that man's yellow and black zig zag socks before I could.
Princess MeLeia: Attending @LDNphotography Festival Flash Mob event with @robson_santos and @lucreadstarot, for the first time I saw pigeons in #London outnumbered - by photographers
Princess MeLeia: At the London Festival of Photography Flash Mob event with - togs taking pictures of togs in a park #RussellSquare #LFPHflashmob #instameetlondon #instameet #igerslondon
Princess MeLeia: The anticipation is growing, maybe the nerves are kicking in over the number of years we are rumoured to be gone for
Princess MeLeia: Signed up as Data Scientist, just getting in line to board #bravenewventures
Princess MeLeia: In the science lad analysing data #bravenewventures
Princess MeLeia: “Money, horse racing and women, three things the boys just can't figure out.” Will Rogers.. A win at the races with a third for an each way bet in the last race, after sharing it out we are £1.10 closer to being rich as Ironman
Princess MeLeia: "I won't take no for an answer, I was born to be a dancer." at #futurecinemabugsy with #igerslondon
Princess MeLeia: "My name is Tallulah I live till I die I'll take what you give me And I won't ask why.." Tallulah at #futurecinemabugsy