Princess MeLeia: Untitled as yet as it is a bit deep rooted but, new piece finally done after two weeks - or probably 24 years...
Princess MeLeia: A spire : Aspire
Princess MeLeia: Stair way to heaven father?
Princess MeLeia: After the storms there is nothing for it but to find the patch of first sun, rebuild your home and breakfast like it never happened...
Princess MeLeia: Lovely wet light to the sky this morning. A dawn washed of the toil and dirt and sweat and crippling fears, the fresh breath that we trust we will come to if we keep walking through the darkness...
Princess MeLeia: Stunning end to the week: Saturday Sunset. I know it's Tuesday but it's taking me a little time to process the weekend with so many gifts of friendship and connection. This was leaving London after the Islington Contemporary Arts Fair with @becks1978 tha
Princess MeLeia: The Walking With Angels book on its very first coffee table... And it's perfect, full of love.
Princess MeLeia: Project Update #11: Long Overdue Update For backers only Posted by Melanie Gow ♥ Like Hello ALL and huge apologies for missing two weeks of "weekly" updates! I kept trying to find time to keep you up to date with the "going to print process", but it w
Princess MeLeia: Found a conscience in the wild garden, couldn't be smaller and more blended with his environment if he tried.
Princess MeLeia: Thank you to everyone who backed this, the project is a huge success already 132% funded with a week still to go. You are making this happen
Princess MeLeia: At 32,000 feet there were tiny ice crystals on the window of the plane back from Spain yesterday, and some of them formed a shooting star. So here it is, make a wish!
Princess MeLeia: "Alright Mr DeMille, I am ready for my close up." #TEDxSWPS
Princess MeLeia: This is the small, slightly humble, TEDx set up I will spend 18mins telling my story on, the one idea I think is worth sharing with the world
Princess MeLeia: This was what I drive into tonight on the way home from Edinburgh with my Walking With Angels exhibition. Huge storm ensued, thunder sheet and fork lightening and then the moon broke through.
Princess MeLeia: Time for the dandelions to bow out, and summer to take the stage
Princess MeLeia: The bespoke organ of St Giles Cathedral #edinburgh
Princess MeLeia: The Thistle Chapel if St Giles Cathedral #edinburgh
Princess MeLeia: The contemplative space of St Giles Cathedral #edinburgh
Princess MeLeia: These are every one of her three albums, it is a body of work, a life lived, growing into her truth.
Princess MeLeia: Checked into the gallery, ready to introduce tonight's performance with @TallulahRendall - here's a rehearsal picture
Princess MeLeia: Checked into the gallery for tonight's performance with @TallulahRendall here's a backstage rehearsal picture
Princess MeLeia: Couldn't resist the morning catwalk show, while we enjoyed breakfast just as the sun broke through #Edinburgh
Princess MeLeia: Edinburgh castle in the early afternoon sun ... Thank you for a great welcome
Princess MeLeia: The sun setting over Edinburgh Waverley station last night ...
Princess MeLeia: Finally, the exhibition is mobile, it can go anywhere ... And today we're off to Edinburgh
Princess MeLeia: 3 stories to fit in 2 half panels and 1 day to go... But I'm feeling confident! The Walking With Angels Mobile Exhibition is about to take to the road
Princess MeLeia: My mobile exhibition "canvas" the idea is to recreate the walk with the 14 lessons learned art pieces, interspersed with stories, map fragments and photos. You walk round it, standing back to get the bigger picture and drawn in by details. I shall be sta
Princess MeLeia: The Odonate eat from the wind itself. The Odonate can fly in six different directions and are comfortable on water, land and the air. The Odonate, the dragonflies and damselflies, in almost every part of the world symbolise the change of self-realisation
Princess MeLeia: You are never too old for wishes #myneglectedgarden
Princess MeLeia: The best thing we can do when it's raining is let it rain and know the drops reflect the sun when it shines again