Princess MeLeia: "the glory of solitude.."
Princess MeLeia: The clouds come tumbling down the blue sky to revel in the colour of the field - I was driving to lunch after getting up at 4am to do a boot fair and this took my breath away so hard I nearly opened the door while driving along instead of the window!
Princess MeLeia: “For tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today” African Proverb
Princess MeLeia: Walking in nature gives you far more than you go looking for.. Stunning bluebell wood somewhere in England
Princess MeLeia: "All that is between you and your dream is a fence of shadows your mind created from fear"
Princess MeLeia: “There cannot be day without night, yet they cannot exist at the same time."
Princess MeLeia: "To Wish Upon ..."
Princess MeLeia: "Silently, like thoughts that come and go, the seagulls fly."
Princess MeLeia: “An eerie kind of peace can settle over an ordinary day at any moment"
Princess MeLeia: "Tourists travel a long way to find what they expect to see."
Princess MeLeia: "it seems there is no more pleasant a way to while away an afternoon than loafing about on the pétanque court"
Princess MeLeia: "Like tea leaves swirling in a cup of soothing sky, to forget the noise of the day"
Princess MeLeia: In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes; so with present time. Leonardo da Vinci
Princess MeLeia: "For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver." - Martin Luther
Princess MeLeia: "We live in a world where skyscrapers are taller than trees, and are beautiful because they reflect the nature around them."
Princess MeLeia: Every Princess should venture outside the castle walls
Princess MeLeia: "Come, woo me, woo me; for now I am in a holiday humor, and like enough to consent" William Shakespeare
Princess MeLeia: "Smile, you never know who is falling in love with it"
Princess MeLeia: "Made up my mind to make a new start. Going to California with an aching in my heart." - Led Zeppelin
Princess MeLeia: "Solitude shows us what we should be.."
Princess MeLeia: I'm here for the story
Princess MeLeia: What can you do today that you couldn't do a year ago?
Princess MeLeia: "Let's put on capes and ride the sky saving the world in a red spaceship"
Princess MeLeia: We were skipping stones and letting go
Princess MeLeia: We may never come up with a better idea than setting a place apart in the middle of our cities for a coffee break.
Princess MeLeia: In medieval times the dog rose was used on European heraldry, by Henry VIII is was a symbol of royalty, here is one bush that still has a relation with the crown, Windsor Castle through a dog rose.
Princess MeLeia: The Southbank Centre rises up like a yellow submarine through the floor of the city to bask in its glory. "Full speed ahead it is, Sgt. Cut the cable, drop the cable. Aye, aye, Sir, aye, aye Captain. As we live a life of ease" Beatles
Princess MeLeia: "You are the music while the music lasts." ~T.S. Eliot
Princess MeLeia: Music is the poetry of the air. ~Richter #jubilee #jubilympics #redfix #london
Princess MeLeia: "The most beautiful view is the one I share with you"