Princess MeLeia:
Find yourself a cup; the teapot is behind you. Now tell me about hundreds of things. Saki
Princess MeLeia:
The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose - Hada Bejar
Princess MeLeia:
Leap of Faith
Princess MeLeia:
And one sees stars
Princess MeLeia:
My Family On The Beach
Princess MeLeia:
Fly Kite Fly
Princess MeLeia:
Running Free
Princess MeLeia:
He has snow smile like no smile I know
Princess MeLeia:
Last glass of wine between friends
Princess MeLeia:
Making the decision to have a child is momentous.
Princess MeLeia:
There are those moments in life where the ground is right there but within seconds it is thousands of miles away ... seconds to choose to fly or fall
Princess MeLeia:
#iLove Mother's day. My boys gave me a card: we know you want a Walk In wardrobe, we've found something better, a Runnin' wardrobe and there's a picture
Princess MeLeia:
But not as funny
Princess MeLeia:
A river of narcissus: daffodils are here before the swallows dare to come back and they make the March wind beautiful
Princess MeLeia:
Breakfast on the road
Princess MeLeia:
A clean line