Viggo Johansen: Fjellvåk - Buteo lagopus - Rough-legged Buzzard - VJ2_7603
Viggo Johansen: Makrellterne - Sterna hirundo - Common tern - VJ2_9222
Viggo Johansen: Little house - VJ2_7371 copy
Viggo Johansen: My home for a weekend - D8E_4393b
bent inge: Mountain View ....^.....
Viggo Johansen: Drops, drops, drops.... - D8E_4549
Viggo Johansen: Gråhegre - Ardea cinerea - Grey Heron - D8D_9036
bent inge: Night at the Museum...
Viggo Johansen: D8C_3992
Viggo Johansen: Vestre Jakobselv, Finnmark
bent inge: Venice...
bent inge: He looked back one last time, before entering the dark...
Viggo Johansen: A cat named Silver 2 - D8B_5444-2
bent inge: As days go by....
bent inge: A welcoming surprise after a rainy day
Viggo Johansen: D8A_1383
bent inge: Symphony of weather...
bent inge: The School....
bent inge: Bewitched
bent inge: Thrill seeking Las Vegas
Viggo Johansen: Firflekklibelle - Libellula quadrimaculata - VJO_2118
Viggo Johansen: Soleiehov P7130020b
Masood Hussain: Phishing the King(ph)isher!!!
bent inge: The Pool
Viggo Johansen: Venner - VJO_9646b
Viggo Johansen: Torvull - P1020849
vipuchol: _MG_4069-Arramando.