Jake Hicks Photography: -Share-a-Shoot- Well these are indeed strange times. I don't think I've ever been in a situation with business before where the future is changing one week at a time, and sometimes, even one day at a time. Every job is now in an indefinite holding pattern
Calvin J.: Maleeka
Stoneybutter: Karl : Dubliner
CatMacBride: heartburn...
shaymurphy: From Below, So Above
CatMacBride: dotty...
darkmavis: High Rock, Portmarnock, Ireland
Dennis_Ramos: Happy Halloween
Adrian_Richard80: Kyra_3_Adrian Richard Photography
Adrian_Richard80: japan_inspo-33422_Adrian Richard Photography
Adrian_Richard80: red queen-34068_Adrian Richard Photography
Adrian_Richard80: red queen-34208_Adrian Richard Photography
Adrian_Richard80: leyna_luna-35383_Adrian Richard Photography
Strangelove 1981: David Byrne
Strangelove 1981: David Byrne
CatMacBride: this way...
Calvin J.: Rhonda
vicent.zp: Braun Slide Projector D 20
Stoneybutter: Madonna
Jake Hicks Photography: -Share-a-Shoot- BIG Announcement tomorrow :D I hope you all had a good weekend, those of us here in the U.K. are still enjoying/coping with the heatwave so I'm sure this weeks -Share-a-Shoot- will have some natural light shots.... I'll tolerate it on this
minions & myrmidons: time is elastic