MeganMorris: I’ll never stopped being impressed by the regular-ass housecat stuff Old Blue does.
MeganMorris: We’ve agreed that one blanket is ok. Any more on the couch and she starts scratchin’.
MeganMorris: I’m still thinking about how great the @deathcabforcutie / @postalservicemusic show was on Monday. Transatlanticism and Give Up were such important albums for me back in the day and though they hit a little different now, they’re both still brain-soothing
MeganMorris: After three weeks, Stella got her stitches out yesterday! She’s still wearing a cone/donut to ensure she doesn’t lick the suture sites, since the skin is new and still healing. But we are all very, very happy that she can get some normalcy back in her lif
MeganMorris: Ellie isn’t the biggest fan of having her picture taken, but she had a good time running around Warehouse Row a couple weeks ago for a mini photo session with @lindseylowephoto. I hadn’t planned on being in all the photos, but Ellie had other plans so we
MeganMorris: Yesterday right as the eclipse was happening, Stella decided she had to go outside. Since she’s still recovering from surgery she can’t go unattended, so I leashed her up and out we went. It was cloudy, and the light was gray like it had been during the l
MeganMorris: It was sunny and brisk 10 years ago today when we drove to the Alpharetta, Ga., location of @furkidsatlanta to meet a six-month-old puppy I’d seen a couple weeks before on Petfinder (while drunk at 1 a.m. 😅). We arrived at the center before he
MeganMorris: Stella’s been having chronic skin and UTI issues for a few years, so on Monday she’s having surgery. And while I love her vet and the whole team over @riverviewanimalhospital, I’m sort of a mess about it. Stella is my best friend, my partner in crime, my
MeganMorris: I’m heartbroken to write that Greyworm passed away Saturday morning. I found her just before 8 a.m., underneath our bed on top of a tote. All signs point to her having passed peacefully in her sleep, most likely from an undiagnosed heart condition. She ha
MeganMorris: My longest coworker (10 years soon).
MeganMorris: Betty has really taken to this indoor cat thing.
MeganMorris: Snow day!
MeganMorris: After we brought Betty inside back in September, that left Greyworm as the last cat in our colony. She’s one of the OGs; she was either the second or third cat I TNRd back in 2018. I would never have considered bringing her inside a year ago, but she spen
MeganMorris: On Tuesday Ian and I drove to Atlanta to see @dogstarband, Keanu Reeves’ grunge/rock band that’s touring again for the first (and maybe last?) time since the late 90s/early 2000s. Because I couldn’t think of another chance I’d have to be in a room with Ke
MeganMorris: The week before Thanksgiving we spent a week on the beach in Cape San Blas, our favorite beach to visit with dogs. We walked miles every day, up and down the white sand, and when we weren’t walking I think Stella spent 90% of her time laying on the balcon
MeganMorris: We don’t know exactly how old Stella is. We know that when she was about 8 weeks old, @furkidsatlanta pulled her the day before she was scheduled to be euthanized at a north Georgia kill shelter after her three-day hold was up and all her brothers and sis
MeganMorris: I give Zelda a lot of shit about being a demon but then I do stuff like this and she doesn’t murder me, so maybe we’re even.
MeganMorris: Today Ellie turned 10! She’s accomplished a lot in her years—raced 88 races (with 3 wins), befriended every single cat she has met, visited a handful beaches and several states—but is most proud of rising through the ranks of the Stella Morris fan club to
MeganMorris: I try my hardest to practice cooperative care with Stella (and all our pets), but nail trims and ear cleaning are our albatross. Nail trims, thankfully, we can have handled by the lovely folks at @chattagroomer. I’ve been working up to ear cleaning with h
MeganMorris: I try my hardest to practice cooperative care with Stella (and all our pets), but nail trims and ear cleaning are our albatross. Nail trims, thankfully, we can have handled by the lovely folks at @chattagroomer. I’ve been working up to ear cleaning with h
MeganMorris: Ellie has been in such a good mood now that she can run again.
MeganMorris: Betty celebrated one week of being an indoor cat by waking me up at 3 a.m. and reminding me that she’s still nocturnal. She also discovered a floor vent and a pedestal sink, both of which confused her until she jumped on/in them and she realized they are,
MeganMorris: If you watch my Instagram stories you’ll probably remember that Moon Rock disappeared the first week of August, and Greyworm has been absent for 48 hours in two separate incidents since then. I’m not sure if there’s something nefarious going on around my
MeganMorris: Happy National Dog Day to these gals, who are such a perfect odd couple and make me laugh every day. (Bonus mention of Star Fox, my heart dog who I miss every single day.)
MeganMorris: It’s been a rough few past weeks around here. Ellie got her splint off today, but unfortunately after the previous bandage change last week it shifted and caused a good amount of rawness of her foot. So now we’re treating that with an ointment and she has
MeganMorris: This demon sure is pretty.
MeganMorris: The dynamic (nap) duo
MeganMorris: Ellie is such a trouper. She’s made it a week and a half with no walks and no running so we can see if her toe dislocation issue heals up without needing surgery. Only 2.5 more weeks to go! 😬
MeganMorris: He made biscuits on the Thwomp pillow and then fell asleep on it.
MeganMorris: A few weeks ago Ellie started yelping/holding her paw up after she ran, and a couple times it looked like she had dislocated the toe next to where the one she had amputated last year used to be. Today she saw her orthopedic surgeon again and had her foot