Meggsiek: Native Australian bee in sunflower
Meggsiek: Curly gum leaves.
Meggsiek: These might be the last flowers for the season. Cooler weather has definitely arrived!
Meggsiek: Winter prep is pretty much done. Fingers crossed we get a full winter out of our poor old cover! We haven't needed to use it for a few years, but last winter I lost a few plants due to the super cold mornings we had. Not taking that chance again!
Meggsiek: Loads of spinach for breakfast tomorrow!
Meggsiek: I've been teaching Miss Georgie some cooking skills. Tonight was mushroom sauce and steak 😍 #kidsinthekitchen #cooking #foodislife
Meggsiek: School holiday fun 😂
Meggsiek: This is a beautiful post from @thecirclelranch on trust. It is a must read.
Meggsiek: We took Miss E to @lonepinekoala for her birthday a few weekends ago. She was in her element! She loves koalas and wants to be a zoo keeper when she gets older!
Meggsiek: A little friend dropped in to check on my gardening the other day. This is a butcher bird, we love them as they let us know when snakes are around!
Meggsiek: I love the light at this time of year. The elongated shadows that linger, the softness. The cooler evenings that make you appreciate the warmth at midday. I am definitely appreciating this time of year much more than I once would have.
Meggsiek: Beginning the birthday celebrations a day early. Took Miss E out for afternoon tea to begin her celebrations.
Meggsiek: Took myself and the girls off to @thefarmshoptoowoomba this afternoon and came across these beauties. Can't wait to try them out with a potato and leek soup tomorrow night!
Meggsiek: Miss G received a yr 5 school leadership position this year ❤️.
Meggsiek: Big day at our local swimming club meet. Miss E the fish came home with Age Champion. Love our small rural community ❤️
Meggsiek: The view from here.
Meggsiek: Corn. Afternoon light.
Meggsiek: A bit of rearranging today
Meggsiek: Back to School spam time. Georgie Yr 5, Emma Yr 2. Where have the years gone!
Meggsiek: Took the girls and their bottle collection to the recycler today. $3.40 each! Now to tackle the numerous 44gal drums that are full 😱
Meggsiek: Roast pork belly with scallops and panzanella salad. Yum!
Meggsiek: Yesterday. After the storm.
Meggsiek: Back in my summer spot 😊
Meggsiek: Mowing usually smells lovely, mowing after big rain, not so much 😝
Meggsiek: Finally. A little bit of rain!
Meggsiek: Lady Beetle keeping watch over the corn.
Meggsiek: Two 40deg days followed by a 37deg day. Then you wake up to this. Jumpers. Jeans. Slippers. And the kids were meant to have school swimming lessons today. No thanks!!
Meggsiek: I'll be here for ages trying to knock this all down 😫
Meggsiek: Throw back to a few weeks ago. No drones allowed.
Meggsiek: Patatas Bravas Salad. #gourmetfarmer #delicious