Meg Forbes:
Meg Forbes:
Emu chicks
Meg Forbes:
Camp Kilcowera Station
Meg Forbes:
Artesian time tunnel
Meg Forbes:
Noticeboard inside the pub at Hungerford
Meg Forbes:
Australias longest road
Meg Forbes:
Bluff sunset - Yowah
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Bottle tree
Meg Forbes:
Boys on the salt - Lake Wyara
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Meg Forbes:
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Camp sunrise
Meg Forbes:
Channel leading to Lake Wyara
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Charleville signs
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Clouds every afternoon, but no rain for this arid area - they've had 2 days rain in 15 months
Meg Forbes:
Dancing in the back seat
Meg Forbes:
Meg Forbes:
Emmy front seat
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Emmy in the gorge
Meg Forbes:
Wild dog - dingo - rabbit proof - fence
Meg Forbes:
Emmy Lake Wyara
Meg Forbes:
My little protege :)
Meg Forbes:
Meg Forbes:
Currawinya National Park
Meg Forbes:
Evening swim
Meg Forbes:
Exploring a gorge - Kilcowera Station
Meg Forbes:
Camera returned by the wonderful people at Boulders, Cunnamulla, QLD
Meg Forbes:
Bus stop at Hungerford Pub
Meg Forbes:
Hungerford mosquitoes