Meg Forbes: My view from the roofless Artesian bath at Yowah (40 minutes)
Meg Forbes: Camera returned by the wonderful people at Boulders, Cunnamulla, QLD
Meg Forbes: Noticeboard inside the pub at Hungerford
Meg Forbes: Inside the pub at Hungerford
Meg Forbes: Icecream never tasted so good as after camping for a few days with no electricity :)
Meg Forbes: Hungerford Tavern notice
Meg Forbes: Hungerford mosquitoes
Meg Forbes: Bus stop at Hungerford Pub
Meg Forbes: Beetles at Kilcowera Station
Meg Forbes: Flies... :)
Meg Forbes: Lagoon sunrise
Meg Forbes: stars over the tent
Meg Forbes: view from the roofless Artesian bath at Yowah (40 minutes)
Meg Forbes: Currawinya National Park
Meg Forbes: Wild dog - dingo - rabbit proof - fence
Meg Forbes: Toilet snakes
Meg Forbes: The Dowling Track - Hungerford
Meg Forbes: Currawinya National Park
Meg Forbes: Kilcowera artesian showers advice
Meg Forbes: Fly repellant sold by a Yowah local
Meg Forbes: Fence
Meg Forbes: Evening falling on the road from Cunnamulla to St George
Meg Forbes: Emu with chicks - Currawinya NP
Meg Forbes: Emmy's self portrait
Meg Forbes: Currawinya NP
Meg Forbes: Currawinya NP map
Meg Forbes: Currawinya Info
Meg Forbes: Brend took this through the windscreen of me not playing chicken with a road train
Meg Forbes: Yowah RSL