mediocre: Patterns
mediocre: What the hell are YOU staring at?
mediocre: Bathing time
mediocre: The odd couple
mediocre: Lost
mediocre: Damsel hanging on for dear life
mediocre: Sharing is caring
mediocre: *Barry White music playing*
mediocre: Japanese Wineberry
mediocre: Damselfly
mediocre: A little bug porn for you
mediocre: Legs = stabilizers
mediocre: Season of the poppy
mediocre: Season of the poppy
mediocre: Season of the poppy
mediocre: Season of the poppy
mediocre: After the rain
mediocre: Water lily in progress...
mediocre: Do not disturb
mediocre: In orbit
mediocre: Prickly forest
mediocre: Busy
mediocre: Muscovy bath
mediocre: Purple and hairy
mediocre: You're a star now!
mediocre: Recognition
mediocre: Common blue
mediocre: Zandoogje
mediocre: Don't let go
mediocre: Beetle group sex