mediocre: Vermillion waxcap and drosera
mediocre: Morning in Brabant
mediocre: Harefoot mushroom
mediocre: Delicate harefoot mushrooms in the morning
mediocre: Good morning
mediocre: Meerbosweg
mediocre: Amanita fulva
mediocre: Drop a line
mediocre: Zwetende kaaszwam
mediocre: Roestbruine kogelzwam
mediocre: Rauwven
mediocre: The deceiver
mediocre: Brown witch's butter
mediocre: Witches' butter
mediocre: The idyllic village of Erp
mediocre: The ancient village of Keldonk
mediocre: Fietshulpkist
mediocre: A tree named HENK
mediocre: Number 24 is up ahead
mediocre: Kleine bijvlieg
mediocre: We cannot stop here. This is maize country.
mediocre: Common brimstone
mediocre: Dinner's served
mediocre: Soldier beetle
mediocre: Shady lane
mediocre: The hunt
mediocre: Kopjesbekermos
mediocre: Tiny worlds
mediocre: Wasp spider wrapping a fly in silk