mediocre: King of the hill
mediocre: Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs
mediocre: Fields of green
mediocre: Autumn decay
mediocre: Tranquil symmetry
mediocre: King of the hill
mediocre: The road ahead
mediocre: Yellow
mediocre: Cycling towards the rain
mediocre: Station Leeuwarden
mediocre: The Black Tower
mediocre: Fries Museum
mediocre: No coat weather
mediocre: Big giant smokeheads
mediocre: Brandaris
mediocre: Midsland
mediocre: Waddenzee
mediocre: Kibbeling!
mediocre: Night in the woods
mediocre: Waddenzee
mediocre: Heavy oystercatcher traffic
mediocre: Guardians of the dyke
mediocre: A tunnel to our bikes
mediocre: Boschplaat
mediocre: Boschplaat
mediocre: The wet trail
mediocre: A fight for light
mediocre: Berkenvallei
mediocre: A circle revealed by the low tide
mediocre: Blokarts