mediocre: Steinse Tiendweg
mediocre: The long and winding road
mediocre: Train and pylons
mediocre: Juvenile anatidae pylon distortion
mediocre: Archetypical Dutch landscape
mediocre: Pylons and fences
mediocre: Power lambs
mediocre: Bridge over calm waters
mediocre: Steinse tiendweg
mediocre: Crossing the line
mediocre: Orange sunset
mediocre: Caged sun
mediocre: June
mediocre: Until the light finds us
mediocre: Music to my ears
mediocre: Haastrecht
mediocre: New topographics
mediocre: Steinse Tiendweg
mediocre: Pylon landscape
mediocre: Outclassed
mediocre: Highest point
mediocre: Sea power
mediocre: IJzeren Kaap
mediocre: The power
mediocre: Empty sheet music
mediocre: Sunrise over Serbia
mediocre: Flow of electric charge
mediocre: On the sunset train
mediocre: Dark power