mediocre: Germany
mediocre: Landscape with field and 46 turbines
mediocre: Arabs with knives and West German skies
mediocre: Auggen
mediocre: Auggen vineyards
mediocre: Switzerland
mediocre: Landscape with bocage of orange plastic
mediocre: Tuscan sunset
mediocre: Mail's in
mediocre: Streets of Florence
mediocre: The spectacle
mediocre: Corridoio Vasariano
mediocre: The banks of the Arno
mediocre: Firenze street scene
mediocre: Santa Croche
mediocre: Poppiano
mediocre: Castello di Poppiano
mediocre: Tuscany
mediocre: Olive groves
mediocre: Landscape with cloud and hillside
mediocre: Dante and friends
mediocre: Via Pier Antonio Micheli
mediocre: Ventface
mediocre: Palazzo di San Clemente
mediocre: 5074
mediocre: Only happy when it rains
mediocre: Piazza San Marco
mediocre: Rainy day
mediocre: Faces in the crowd