mediocre: Building blocks
mediocre: Building blocks
mediocre: Crossing borders
mediocre: Home sweet home
mediocre: New kid in town
mediocre: Sumatra
mediocre: Of small cranes and skyscrapers
mediocre: Hoi Dik
mediocre: Rotterdam
mediocre: Rotterdam
mediocre: Urban discipline
mediocre: Urban discipline II
mediocre: One of many hospitals in the Sofia Hospital Zone
mediocre: Infinity building
mediocre: Beneath the surface
mediocre: Package deal
mediocre: Old & new Rotterdam
mediocre: Wonky Rotterdam
mediocre: De Rotterdam
mediocre: Urban discipline
mediocre: People make Glasgow
mediocre: Our home for a day
mediocre: High rise Mungo
mediocre: George Street
mediocre: Urban discipline
mediocre: On the stairs
mediocre: We've attracted the attention of the inhabitants of apartment number 2142
mediocre: Dirty windows