mediocre: Drag the waters
mediocre: Anhinga
mediocre: Hi there
mediocre: Bridge over a cenote
mediocre: Cenote landscape
mediocre: Xel-Ha landscape
mediocre: Turtle lagoon
mediocre: Cénote
mediocre: Geese
mediocre: Waar de dieren zich laven aan de drinkplaats, laven de mensen zich aan een goed gesprek over de dieren.
mediocre: Clouds
mediocre: Panorama with windmills and suchlike
mediocre: Tent
mediocre: Grassy isles
mediocre: One wonders about the fysics of this place
mediocre: Translucent lake
mediocre: Mirror lake
mediocre: Mirrorsheep
mediocre: Droplets in the lily pond
mediocre: Akserhus
mediocre: Splash
mediocre: Bridge from the side
mediocre: Crashing wave
mediocre: Swimming with Poseidon
mediocre: Activity on the zocalo
mediocre: Fountain
mediocre: Hello
mediocre: Inner garden
mediocre: Parque Union
mediocre: Fuente de Pescos