mediocre: Cheese sandwich
mediocre: Withered flower
mediocre: Sun flower
mediocre: Toget Café
mediocre: I like to press wild flowers
mediocre: House of the flowers
mediocre: 10^10
mediocre: Schiphol
mediocre: Some more masks
mediocre: Fields of gold
mediocre: Buttercups
mediocre: Sun parakeet
mediocre: Beautiful hornbill
mediocre: Hornbill
mediocre: Hornbill
mediocre: Sun screens
mediocre: Arsenalet
mediocre: Tulips on the Radhusplassen
mediocre: Tulips on the Radhusplassen
mediocre: Colourful
mediocre: Very yellow
mediocre: Nice shrimp boat
mediocre: Slottet
mediocre: Not an old building
mediocre: Manillusion
mediocre: Yellow house
mediocre: Serious lights
mediocre: Daffodil
mediocre: Sunset over the chapel
mediocre: Deserted Manchebo Beach