mediocre: Paris Charles de Gaulle
mediocre: Paris Charles de Gaulle
mediocre: Catching some rays
mediocre: Water taxi
mediocre: Spire
mediocre: Bike parking
mediocre: Catching a movie
mediocre: Noisy feller
mediocre: Radisson hotel
mediocre: Mirrorlake
mediocre: A troll in Gol
mediocre: Hotel Lindstrøm
mediocre: Laksenart
mediocre: Shed
mediocre: Chain
mediocre: Rune Pillar
mediocre: House of the flowers
mediocre: They were getting some complaints from the viking zombies
mediocre: Grafschenster
mediocre: Lost graves
mediocre: Dandelion
mediocre: Dandelion
mediocre: Lovely soft feathery grass
mediocre: Jessica hunting for wild flowers
mediocre: Norwegian bumblebee
mediocre: Church and mountain
mediocre: No snu, bitches!
mediocre: Flower field
mediocre: Have you told Espen yet that we don't want to see him on this flower again?
mediocre: Hello, I am not the AIDS virus, ktnxbye