mediocre: Tucan
mediocre: Sawas
mediocre: Bearded chappie
mediocre: Mmmm?
mediocre: Look. Into. My. Eyes.
mediocre: Helloooo there!
mediocre: Sun parakeet
mediocre: Peacock
mediocre: Macaws in flight
mediocre: Another vulture zooming by
mediocre: Tough egg to crack
mediocre: Fetching some tools
mediocre: Landing
mediocre: Flying vulture
mediocre: Flamingo forest
mediocre: Macaw tree
mediocre: Shy cockatoo
mediocre: Cockatoo
mediocre: More macaws in flight
mediocre: I has a chick
mediocre: Treecock
mediocre: Treecock
mediocre: Mandy, trying to shoot the treecock
mediocre: Peacock
mediocre: Hahaha...tell me again, human!
mediocre: Hallo!
mediocre: Feet inspection
mediocre: Free bird
mediocre: Cute swans
mediocre: Crane parts