mediocre: Dinner time
mediocre: Sphere
mediocre: Yellow much?
mediocre: Forest of flowers
mediocre: Straight to the core
mediocre: Honey bee
mediocre: Prepare for take-off
mediocre: Heart
mediocre: Coconut
mediocre: Crab
mediocre: Ninja crab
mediocre: Chicle nut
mediocre: Bumblebee
mediocre: Purple
mediocre: Dragonfly
mediocre: Nozzle bee
mediocre: Sunny
mediocre: Foxglove
mediocre: Papaver
mediocre: Nice lamp, by the way
mediocre: Oxeye daisy
mediocre: Spikey feller
mediocre: Papaver bud
mediocre: powdered flower
mediocre: Succulent plant with flowers in our garden
mediocre: Flourishing grass
mediocre: Nice bud, bud!
mediocre: Yellow and red
mediocre: dunno what this is
mediocre: bumblebee