MedicineMan4040: Back from New Mexico
MedicineMan4040: Our first sunrise in New Mexico
MedicineMan4040: Harris Hawk
MedicineMan4040: In Chaco
MedicineMan4040: Wigwam Motel
MedicineMan4040: Early morning Sandhill Bosque del Apache II
MedicineMan4040: Dark morph on cliff
MedicineMan4040: Canyon de Chelly NM
MedicineMan4040: Harris Hawk on Saugaro
MedicineMan4040: Where to land
MedicineMan4040: All wings down
MedicineMan4040: Wigwam Village historic route 66
MedicineMan4040: Bosque Sandie cluster
MedicineMan4040: Underground New Mexico
MedicineMan4040: Dark morph
MedicineMan4040: Poof scaling Bandelier
MedicineMan4040: Take me to the Moon
MedicineMan4040: Currently in New Mexico
MedicineMan4040: Snow Geese in tandem
MedicineMan4040: HiyoSilver on the way to Chaco Canyon
MedicineMan4040: 747 of the bird world (3)
MedicineMan4040: Western RTH Chaco Canyon
MedicineMan4040: Look for the handrail by the light star
MedicineMan4040: White Sands NM (2)
MedicineMan4040: Tiny dancer from the sky
MedicineMan4040: Three Rivers
MedicineMan4040: Favorite Wood