MedicineMan4040: IMGP4267
MedicineMan4040: Looking Uplake
MedicineMan4040: Ripshin Lake February 2006
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MedicineMan4040: Home on the Mtn
MedicineMan4040: Homeland Series #417 Where I hang my hat
MedicineMan4040: Ripshin abiding by the fall dress code
MedicineMan4040: Female Bufflehead
MedicineMan4040: Ripshin Falls visit
MedicineMan4040: Phidd in the crystal matrix
MedicineMan4040: Little steeple in the woods
MedicineMan4040: The Ceiling
MedicineMan4040: Ripshin in her fall dress
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MedicineMan4040: Ripshin Lake
MedicineMan4040: IMGP4269
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MedicineMan4040: Ripshin_Lake_follow_the_leader
MedicineMan4040: Home_Ripshin_Lake
MedicineMan4040: Ripshin Lake
MedicineMan4040: P&H Cetus Ripshin Lake
MedicineMan4040: Ripshin Lake