MedicineMan4040: Ooooops, forgot one
MedicineMan4040: Favorite of the entire trip-Austral Pygmy Owl
MedicineMan4040: For the Tourist in Me
MedicineMan4040: Another Singular Fusion
MedicineMan4040: Condor in Flight
MedicineMan4040: Andean Condor
MedicineMan4040: The Tribe King Penguin
MedicineMan4040: Face the Gaze
MedicineMan4040: 400 DOii tries macro
MedicineMan4040: Over his Shoulder Straight of Megellan
MedicineMan4040: Branch Management
MedicineMan4040: Twas home for five days
MedicineMan4040: It is important to Stretch after a big meal.
MedicineMan4040: el Viejo
MedicineMan4040: Horrible but my first Short-eared Owl
MedicineMan4040: Stones of the Birdmen
MedicineMan4040: Dramatic Persona
MedicineMan4040: Poof gets close
MedicineMan4040: Macro'ing in Chile
MedicineMan4040: Mom and Fudgecicle
MedicineMan4040: Back to the Trip Pics-Guanaco Homeland
MedicineMan4040: Trip Photo Interruption/100-400ii + 2.0 TC
MedicineMan4040: Milvago chimango trabajo del mar
MedicineMan4040: Poetic Liscense
MedicineMan4040: Volcanic Crater Easter Island
MedicineMan4040: Beautiful Poof in the South Pacific Ocean
MedicineMan4040: Chilean Red Fox
MedicineMan4040: Street Photography Hanga Roa
MedicineMan4040: The Riggings
MedicineMan4040: Santiago Munincipal Cathedral