MedicineMan4040: 2cd Reason and Tribute-Thanks to Chris Jimenez and Mario
MedicineMan4040: Shock and awe
MedicineMan4040: The King takes flight
MedicineMan4040: Favorite of the entire trip-Austral Pygmy Owl
MedicineMan4040: King of the North
MedicineMan4040: My favorite pic of the trip- the Spectacled Owl
MedicineMan4040: StratoStryxess
MedicineMan4040: African Barred Owlett
MedicineMan4040: He lives under
MedicineMan4040: I will travel to the ends of the Earth
MedicineMan4040: Teaching the next generation to look
MedicineMan4040: OH How I Know This Look
MedicineMan4040: I Must be Living Right
MedicineMan4040: Tribute and THANKS to Christina Anne!
MedicineMan4040: Redemption Cometh
MedicineMan4040: The 3rd reason I came to Costa Rica
MedicineMan4040: Am I in Trouble or What
MedicineMan4040: He can Look into your Soul
MedicineMan4040: Grey as Art
MedicineMan4040: My 4th reason to come to Costa Rica, Black and White Owl
MedicineMan4040: My Christmas Present (a day late)
MedicineMan4040: The Poise
MedicineMan4040: Giant Eagle Owl Verreaux
MedicineMan4040: Horrible but my first Short-eared Owl
MedicineMan4040: Why I came to Costa Rica reason #5 Central American Pygmy Owl
MedicineMan4040: Farwell to Quebec-Thanks Christina
MedicineMan4040: I Can go to Heaven Now
MedicineMan4040: Sleeping the day away.
MedicineMan4040: Barred of Reelfoot
MedicineMan4040: GHO face 700mm