fyberduck: Pollinator garden in bloom-002
fyberduck: Lesser goldfinches take over the feeders-001
fyberduck: Bewick's wren-006
fyberduck: Immature Cooper's hawk staking out bird feeders-005
fyberduck: Anna's hummingbird guarding "her" feeder during a snowstorm.
fyberduck: Anna's hummingbird guarding "her" feeder during a snowstorm.
Cletus Lee: Mantis Juvenile
wplynn: fire fly (Photinus pyralis)
art farmer: firefly 4172
vanstaffs: Helsingborg in the distant
vanstaffs: Tussi does grand wash in the new sofa...
Nancy Rose: Where's the peanuts???
DrPhotoMoto: Monarch
Mushiyose: Jumping Spider Carrying Her Baby
DrPhotoMoto: Pipevine Swallowtail
zxgirl: Soulful Eyes
zxgirl: Stre-e-e-etch!
Techuser: Othorene cadmus
zxgirl: Wolfish Grin
zxgirl: There It Goes
DrPhotoMoto: Ambush Bug
DrPhotoMoto: Spined Assassin Bug
vanstaffs: Disturbed Tussi in the middle of a cleaning session
vanstaffs: Yellow-spotted Whiteface
vanstaffs: Four-spotted Chaser - female
DrPhotoMoto: Pipevine Swallowtail
vanstaffs: Blue Tit Baby
mudder_bbc: Painted Lady
zxgirl: Flying 'Pipers