Photos By JM: The Karate Kid
airboy123: Long-eared Owl
dan.weisz: a pair of Bufflehead
dan.weisz: Juvenile Snow Geese
Love_Wilderness: Submission?
Love_Wilderness: Variable Darner (Aeshna interrupta)
grugel25: received_904912814517414
grugel25: IMG_1257_edited
conall..: dewy monowebs {explored}
conall..: Arachtober 31 1/5
conall..: Death's-Head Hawkmoth - Acherontia atropos
HHdoc: Ring Neck Pheasant
HHdoc: Orange Medley
HHdoc: Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Don Oppedijk: 20240805-1208-25
Don Oppedijk: 20240830-0715-15
Kitty Kono: "I'm Home Sweetie"
Odonata457: Joro Spider From the Bottom
Odonata457: Joro Spider From The Top
- jerri -: junk drawer
- jerri -: VULTURE (Explored) 8/26/2024
- jerri -: McDowell's sunflower (Helianthus dowellianus)
- jerri -: The Barn
- jerri -: An Autumn Reverie ~ Monarch (Danaus plexippus)
shesnuckinfuts: Sooty Grouse
shesnuckinfuts: Sooty Grouse Drumming
shesnuckinfuts: Autumn Color at Mt. Rainier
I'magrandma: Butterflies are free
I'magrandma: Carolina Wren