markclaymon: 2014-05-09 13.11.45
markclaymon: Moon rising over Palm Beach
markclaymon: While waiting for Crowdfunding and Cocktails to start, why not find a photo or two
markclaymon: Where do we go now?
markclaymon: How times have changed...
markclaymon: Pac-Man Ghosts
markclaymon: This is a cool social tool! #baconboxes and #iRemember
markclaymon: Have you tried the samples from #baconboxes at The Wine Cellar tonight?
markclaymon: Whatever
markclaymon: Now that these are done, time to go back to sleep... I need some energy back!
markclaymon: What should this go with?
markclaymon: #SoFloPHP meetup is hosted by #woocreative tonight in #delraybeach! and
markclaymon: Snack time?
markclaymon: Mischief in #delraybeach
markclaymon: Oh no....
markclaymon: Hello....
markclaymon: Tonight at Old School Square in #delraybeach
markclaymon: What are these?
markclaymon: Yardij tonight at Arts Garage in #delraybeach
markclaymon: How things change...
markclaymon: Hello... it's been a while. Where are you at now?
markclaymon: Tyler is adding another award to the wall today!
markclaymon: This seems to be how my day is going. Time to upgrade?
markclaymon: Uri Gurvich at Arts Garage tonight in #delraybeach
markclaymon: Black Cherry
markclaymon: Why are you not at #alchemy tonight? #delraybeach
markclaymon: You should be at #alchemy tonight!
markclaymon: I really don't need this tonight
markclaymon: Yoga with Gen & Jax at Arts Garage
markclaymon: Who is going to take this one?