McKristen: Hurricane Ridge, Washington.
McKristen: There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen
McKristen: Suspended in Prayer.
McKristen: Hiking back down a rocky trail at dusk was worth this sunset.
McKristen: Current view.
McKristen: This morning's view
McKristen: Sunset on the Na Pali Coast
McKristen: Kilauea.
McKristen: Last night's sunset, from Ke'e Beach .
McKristen: Hanalei Bay.
McKristen: The face of a dog that wouldn't have it any other way.
McKristen: Polihale.
McKristen: Hanalei.
McKristen: Beach + booch.
McKristen: This morning's beauty.
McKristen: In Hanalei, pretty much every hour is golden hour.
McKristen: Went full jungle for this trip. The Wainiha River sounds just as lovely as it looks.
McKristen: Hello there, beautiful. I've missed you.
McKristen: Into the woods.
McKristen: Just 4 days ago, we thought our little old lady was a goner. Turns out this dog is (still) far too stubborn to give up on anything without a good and proper fight. She's now back in action, and we're so lucky to have her around for as long as she wants to
McKristen: every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. -martin luther
McKristen: 50/50.
McKristen: One more from Alki.
McKristen: Lighthouse reflections at Alki Point.
McKristen: Alki Point.
McKristen: Reposting the originals of this iPhone snapped sunset series I took while down at Olympic Sculpture Park a few days ago. The white framing used to resize for Instagram really takes away from the pretty. (Cc: Drew )
McKristen: Reposting the originals of this iPhone snapped sunset series I took while down at Olympic Sculpture Park a few days ago. The white framing used to resize for Instagram really takes away from the pretty. (Cc: Drew )
McKristen: Reposting the originals of this iPhone snapped sunset series I took while down at Olympic Sculpture Park a few days ago. The white framing used to resize for Instagram really takes away from the pretty. (Cc: Drew )
McKristen: Reposting the originals of this iPhone snapped sunset series I took while down at Olympic Sculpture Park a few days ago. The white framing used to resize for Instagram really takes away from the pretty. (Cc: Drew )
McKristen: Working on a Saturday in an unmade bed with my favorite drink, comfiest penguin pants, and a dog that has never really known the meaning of personal space.