mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 214 (Ghostwritten by @shaunarmstrong)
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 213 (Ghostwritten by @HistoryDean) it couldn't take anymore ...
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 212 (Ghostwritten by @shaunarmstrong)
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 211 (Ghostwritten by @HistoryDean)
mcfontaine: That's Monkey & me sorted for the afternoon.
mcfontaine: Old shops 1
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 210 (Ghostwritten by @edmander) I'll be back.
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 209 (Ghostwritten by @barking_goat)
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 208 (Ghostwritten by @richardhubbuck) on Kiwi Hill
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 207 (Ghostwritten by @insomniacalls) a Tesco's Twin.
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 206 (Ghostwritten by @edmander) A Sad Little Twin from King of the 4 String
mcfontaine: Another exciting development opportunity in Northampton ... right next to the 20+ years empty last opportunity.
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 205 (Ghostwritten by Spike via @simfinful)
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 204 (Ghostwritten by @shaunarmstrong)
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 203 (Ghostwritten by @misspheric ) visiting it's twin in NGH.
mcfontaine: Ladies & Gentlemen ... I give you the coffee run Cha-Cha-Cha.
mcfontaine: Just spotted in M&S ... I seriously feel for my actual Pro Photographer friends. Sorry but I don't think just anyone can learn, you have to have an "eye".
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 202 (Ghostwritten by Spike via @simfinful ) just hanging around.
mcfontaine: Narrowed down my selection to these ... which will lead to the best sofa sleep this afternoon ...
mcfontaine: Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you ... Four of a Kind.
mcfontaine: All set, ready to do a phoner with KMMS in Montana for this months Bletchley Park Podcast.
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 197 (Ghostwritten by @TeaKayB )
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 195 (Ghostwritten by @HistoryDean)
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 194 (Ghostwritten by Spike via @simfinful ) early hunting.
mcfontaine: Plan B had to be instigated this evening.
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 193 (Ghostwritten by @wonky_donky )
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 191 (Ghostwritten by @shaunarmstrong) "don't leave me behind ..."
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 190 (Ghostwritten by @nodrog_2 ) Two Lost Twins who found each other in the wild
mcfontaine: Tale of the Lost Twin: Chapter 189 (Ghostwritten by Spike via @simfinful )