petitshoo: Fussa-Shi
DaveandChong: East side of Yokota AB
petitshoo: dangling leaf
petitshoo: making new friends
petitshoo: coming back down
petitshoo: turtle in the sun
petitshoo: island
petitshoo: showa park
petitshoo: showa park
n_waka: P1150837
n_waka: P1150849
Official U.S. Air Force: 110323-F-UI176-236
Department of Defence: Team preparing to assist Japan after the earthquake/ tsuanami
Viaje con JAPOPLAN: Matsushiro
Viaje con JAPOPLAN: Matsushiro
Viaje con JAPOPLAN: Matsushiro
Viaje con JAPOPLAN: Matsushiro
Viaje con JAPOPLAN: Matsushiro
Viaje con JAPOPLAN: Matsushiro
Viaje con JAPOPLAN: Matsushiro
Viaje con JAPOPLAN: Matsushiro
fashionaluminum: I hate coasting
Taka H: Locker room.
thresca: flight of the crane2
priti hansia: 16-sided tato box
cmpalmer: Platonic Business Cards
Scarygami: Tsuda Yoshio - Snow Goose
Catrela: Calendário estrela
oschene: Star Vase