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In Memory - LG
Presentation - overview
Trail Map
Nature Center - Interior and Exterior
The Blue Hole
The Boils
Stormwater Quality Wetland
Trails of McConnell Springs
Log Cabin and Half-faced Cabin at McConnell Springs
Split-rail Fence
Rock Fences
"Taking Flight" sculpture by Erica Strecker
Bat Poles
BIOSE - Critters in the Classroom
Kentucky the Owl
Snow at McConnell Springs
Flowers of McConnell Springs
frost flower
flower - Bellwort
flower - Bittercress
flower - Bloodroot
flower - Blue Flag Iris
flower - Celandine Poppy
flower - Columbine
flower - Coneflower
flower - Daffodils
flower - Dutchman's breeches
flower - Everlasting Pea
flower - Fleabane, Philadelphia Fleabane
flower - Grey-headed Coneflower
flower - Indian Pink
flower - Jacob's Ladder
flower - Larkspur
flower - Mayapple
flower - Moth Mullein
flower - New England Aster
flower - Passion Flower
flower - Phlox
flower - Prickly Pear
flower - Purple Poppy Mallow
flower - St. Johnswort & Bumble Bees
flower - Spring Beauty
flower - Violet (Common Blue)
flower - Violet (White)
flower - Virginia bluebells
flower - Trillium_(Toadshade)
flower - Tuliptree (Tulip Poplar, Yellow Poplar)
flower - Wild Bergamot (or Bee Balm)
flower - Wild Ginger
flower - Yellow Goatsbeard
Bird Banding
Birds of McConnell Springs
bird - American Robin
bird - Blue Jay
bird - Canada Goose
bird - Cardinal
bird - Carolina Chickadee
bird - Carolina Wren
bird - Cedar Waxwing
bird - Cooper's Hawk
bird - Dark-eyed Junco
bird - Downy Woodpecker
bird - Goldfinche
bird - Great Blue Heron
bird - Green Heron
bird - House Finch
bird - House Finch - orange variant
bird - Mallards
bird - Northern Mockingbird
bird - Pied-billed Grebe
bird - Red-bellied Woodpecker
bird - Red-tailed Hawk
bird - Tufted Titmouse
bird - Vulture
bird - White-throated Sparrow
White-tail Deer
Snakes of McConnell Springs
snake - Black Rat Snake
snake - Toothless
snake - Eastern Garter Snake
American Toad
Leopard Frog
Cave Salamander
Red Milkweed Beetle
Brown Daddy-long-legs
Praying Mantis
Robber Fly
Turtles of McConnell Springs
spider - Agriope (spider - female)
spider - black and yellow agriope
spider - jumping spider
spider - Orchard Spider
Spider Webs
Butterflies & Moths of McConnell Springs
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
Catalpa Sphinx
Pandora Spinx Moth
Hickory Horned Devil
Variegated Fritillary
Walnut Sphinx
Damselfly - spreadwing
Dragonflies & Damselflies -- mating & laying eggs
Dragonflies & Damselflies of McConnell Springs
Dragonfly - Blue Dasher
Dragonfly - Calico Pennant
Dragonfly - Common Green Darner
Dragonfly - Common Whitetail
Dragonfly - Black Saddlebags
Dragonfly - Eastern Amberwing
Dragonfly - Eastern Pondhawk
Dragonfly - Twelve-spotted Skimmer
Dragonfly - Wandering Glider
Dragonfly - Widow Skimmer
dragonfly - unknown
Green Lacewing Eggs
Rita's Trees
tree - Leaves
tree - Trees & Leaves
tree - Sycamore
tree - Pine Trees
tree - Bur Oak
River Cane
Mushrooms / Fungi
Cedar Apple Rust
Founder's Day 2013
Founder's Day 2015
Founder's Day 2016
Founder's Day 2017
Founder's Day 2018
Ice Cream Social 2015
An Irish Homecoming
Little Goblins Galore 2016
Lexington Woodcarvers Guild
Bluegrass Birding Festival 2016
Bluegrass Birding Festival 2017
Bluegrass Birding Festival & Craft Fair May 12 & 13, 2018
Raptor Program 2013
Raptor Program 2014
Jr. Naturalist - 'Celebrate Earth Day'
Jr. Naturalist - Celebrate Earth Day
Jr. Naturalist - 'FeederWatch'
Jr. Naturalist - Insect Hotel
Jr. Naturalist - Rock Detectives
Children's Program at McConnell Springs
Owl Pellets
Wilderness First Responder Training
Woodcarving at McConnell Springs
History to Chew On
Urban Shawl
Playing at McConnell Springs
In Memory - LG