SDCanadian: 2021-07-03 -_RCC1805
SDCanadian: DSC08753
digefxgrp: the messenger
Matthias.Kahrs: Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
Wolf-Ulf Wulfrolf: Hydraulikautobahn
WDWFigment: Cinderella Castle Sun-kissed Sunset; from today's Tokyo Disneyland trip report.
Matthias.Kahrs: Nutria (Myocastor coypus)
slworking2: Slow motion colorful campfire. Flames colored by Magic Flames packets.
WDWFigment: Welcome to Mystic Point...
slworking2: Waxing crescent moon and an airplane
slworking2: Glowing Wind Caves
colbertdavis: Happy Halloween
aharvey2k: Since we have learned #DSC is set 10 years before Kirk's famous 5 year mission, I was going for that 'strange new world'/big alien landscape' feel. And since we don't have a crew yet I wanted to evoke an emotion and the cold of space just wasn't doing it.
insidethemagic: DSC06601
RuggyBearLA: Museum Island
BoringPostcards: Leon says, "It's a little small for hanging out, but it'll do"
RuggyBearLA: Szczecin, Poland
BoringPostcards: Bob/Leon headbutt
tjgilders: Ecto-1! #ghostbusters
Matthias.Kahrs: Feldhase (Lepus europaeus)
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance: Rare Red Ruffed Lemur Baby
tjgilders: I always think this office can't get any weirder, but (happily) it always proves me wrong.
slworking2: Bighorn Sheep and Star Trails. Different processing
tjgilders: I've seen the future. It had a snarky robot that mocked me. #glados #htcvive #vr
colbertdavis: CSD_1340
J. Rob McC: Mary-Go-Round!
row-in-vegas: Secret hike