PoliFolio: Molly Gordon
Diana K: "And when he came back to, he was flat on his back on the beach in the freezing sand, and it was raining out of a low sky, and the tide was way out."
haywebsite: Brenda Lozano, Socorro Venegas, Valeria Luiselli
jessamyn: sandpiper
Diana K: Plotting
bump: Red Hip Hop Stormtrooper
WashULibraries: wul_eh_gass_reading_2013_24
Amber Dawn: Hi Baby!
William Beutler: Earlier: @BursonSnyder introducing next Virginia Lt Gov @PeteSnyder at Next Gen fundraiser tonight.
jessamyn: I made maple squash rings
STML: Creech
jessamyn: pen drawer overhaul - I have too many Sharpies
jessamyn: The nation's largest McDonalds?
jessamyn: Burma Shave
Tanooki's Stuff: Ninja Gaiden - Tiger Handheld Game Ad
Tanooki's Stuff: River City Ransom - NES Ad
jessamyn: pen drawer
counterclockwise: Mother Baby
jessamyn: mega-tractor
mathowie: Sistine Chapel ceiling
Timothy P. Doyle: 10 cents gets you nuts
JohnnyG*: Not Class A.
Diana K: 4/1: My Reflection.