REM ~ Photo: Leaves in the Sky
REM ~ Photo: Extra Extra
Averton: PA244670 Don't speak with your mouth full
Averton: IMG_7557 Lavender tip
Averton: IMG_7513 Poser
Averton: IMG_7506 Important
Averton: IMG_7483 On the path
Averton: IMG_7491 White-plumed Honeyeater
Averton: IMG_6172 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
Averton: PA308347 Fledgling
Averton: PA308829 Rock hopping
Averton: IMG_8588 Preparing to land
John from Brisbane: Theodore water tower (2).
John from Brisbane: Theodore - The town that water built.
John from Brisbane: Theodore Water Tower (1)
John from Brisbane: Hotel Cracow
John from Brisbane: Please STOP!
John from Brisbane: Four Guineas. HWW
John from Brisbane: Gold mining.
DaveSPN: Feasting
DaveSPN: At The WIndow
DaveSPN: Today's Alarm Clock
DaveSPN: Chucking A Uey (Youie)
DaveSPN: A Soldier Has To Eat
REM ~ Photo: Hair Today
Averton: IMG_0774 Nest change over
Averton: IMG_6654 Auditioning for the choir
Averton: IMG_4650 Chaos - wings down