MayanWell: Migel
MayanWell: Afternoon Laughs
MayanWell: A dog named "IBON"
MayanWell: Piglets on the hay
MayanWell: Migel
MayanWell: Auntie Melding
MayanWell: Waiting for Father
MayanWell: Afternoon Siesta
MayanWell: Native Chickens
MayanWell: Peck
MayanWell: Boiling Water
MayanWell: Chick
MayanWell: Ligo sa Poso
MayanWell: "Playing Pog"
MayanWell: "Playing Pog"
MayanWell: "Playing Pog"
MayanWell: "Playing Pog"
MayanWell: "Playing Pog"
MayanWell: "Playing Catch"
MayanWell: "Street Food"
MayanWell: "Noontime Chat"
MayanWell: "Doors & Pathways"
MayanWell: "Closer"
MayanWell: "Peek at the Ruins 1"
MayanWell: "Peek at the Ruins 2"
MayanWell: "Downside"
MayanWell: "Pasilyo"
MayanWell: "Just passing by"
MayanWell: "Photowalk Slippers"
MayanWell: "Old Mcdo"