Models for Shine of Sweden - Jacqueline Noxolo Åstrand
Iain Lawrie: pearl-bordered fritillary
Lord V: Large red damselfly close up
Iain Lawrie: a harvestman
Eddie The Bugman: Failure To Launch
Spawn6#6: Venus
Lepphotos: Cassini Periodical Cicada
Iain Lawrie: scorpion fly
Eddie The Bugman: Head On Chrysis
Eddie The Bugman: Damselfly Portrait
Iain Lawrie: pearl-bordered thingy
jnsfrbrg: Pine needle tea
Eddie The Bugman: ~Ischnura Dreams~
Swedish National Heritage Board: Karl Oskar Lööw, Fredhäll, Uppland, Sweden
nix.grandjean71: 187 - macro
Lepphotos: Cherry-faced Meadowhawk
Lepphotos: Gray Hairstreak
Lepphotos: Big Sand Tiger Beetle
spontandans: IMG_1870
Lord V: Leaf miner art
Eddie The Bugman: ~Wing Expansion~
Quentin ROBIN: Cicadidae Molting
Eddie The Bugman: ~Reminder Of A Great Summer~
spontandans: Store Mosse
spontandans: Skoldpadda