Steve Balcombe:
Common Wasp worker nectaring on ivy
Steve Balcombe:
Twin-spot Centurion f
Amethyst Deceivers (Laccaria amethystina)
Steve Balcombe:
Hornet f eating Migrant Hawker #2 of 2
Steve Balcombe:
Hornet f eating Migrant Hawker #1 of 2
Steve Balcombe:
Raft Spider juv
Steve Balcombe:
Common green shieldbug
Steve Balcombe:
Hornet m
Steve Balcombe:
Hornet f with a Common Wasp
Steve Balcombe:
Hypholoma capnoides
Steve Balcombe:
Raft spider
Steve Balcombe:
Long-winged Cone-head f
Steve Balcombe:
Hornet m
Fluted (Cyathus striatus) and Common (Crucibulum laeve) Bird's Nest Fungi
The Devil's in the Detail...
Amethyst Deceivers (Laccaria amethystina) and the Deceiver (Laccaria laccata).
Devil's Fingers (Clathrus archeri)
Unknown Slime Mould
Springtail and Slime Mould
Cosper Wosper:
Happy International Jumping Spider Day !!
Ellie Hilsdon:
Devil's Tooth - Hydnellum Peckii (Explored 13/10/2024)
Ellie Hilsdon:
Devil's Tooth - Hydnellum Peckii
Cosper Wosper:
Light Brown Apple Moth ~ Epiphyas postvittana
Cosper Wosper:
Grizzled Skipper ~ Pyrgus malvae
Cosper Wosper:
Great white egret
Cosper Wosper:
Cosper Wosper:
Common cranes
Cosper Wosper:
Blue-tailed Damselfly ~ Ischnura elegans - form rufescens-obsoleta
Cosper Wosper:
Tatty Large Blue