Steve Balcombe: Common Wasp worker nectaring on ivy
Steve Balcombe: Twin-spot Centurion f
willjatkins: Amethyst Deceivers (Laccaria amethystina)
Steve Balcombe: Hornet f eating Migrant Hawker #2 of 2
Steve Balcombe: Hornet f eating Migrant Hawker #1 of 2
Steve Balcombe: Raft Spider juv
Steve Balcombe: Common green shieldbug
Steve Balcombe: Hornet m
Steve Balcombe: Hornet f with a Common Wasp
Steve Balcombe: Hypholoma capnoides
Steve Balcombe: Raft spider
Steve Balcombe: Long-winged Cone-head f
Steve Balcombe: Hornet m
willjatkins: Fluted (Cyathus striatus) and Common (Crucibulum laeve) Bird's Nest Fungi
willjatkins: The Devil's in the Detail...
willjatkins: Amethyst Deceivers (Laccaria amethystina) and the Deceiver (Laccaria laccata).
willjatkins: Devil's Fingers (Clathrus archeri)
willjatkins: Unknown Slime Mould
willjatkins: Springtail and Slime Mould
Cosper Wosper: Happy International Jumping Spider Day !!
Ellie Hilsdon: Devil's Tooth - Hydnellum Peckii (Explored 13/10/2024)
Ellie Hilsdon: Devil's Tooth - Hydnellum Peckii
Dave913: Carnon Valley, Cornwall UK.
Cosper Wosper: Light Brown Apple Moth ~ Epiphyas postvittana
Cosper Wosper: Grizzled Skipper ~ Pyrgus malvae
Cosper Wosper: Great white egret
Cosper Wosper: Common cranes
Cosper Wosper: Blue-tailed Damselfly ~ Ischnura elegans - form rufescens-obsoleta
Cosper Wosper: Tatty Large Blue