Testudo Man: Jumping Spider(young). garden photo. 2nd March 2019.
MARMARI Dragonflies: Beautiful Demoiselle,immature male.
Delbrückerin: Butterfly
dave p brecks: Corizus hyoscyami.
listermaraon: LM Photography_7002
listermaraon: LM Photography_6868
listermaraon: LM Photography_6807
listermaraon: LM Photography-20120808-00382
listermaraon: LM Photography-20120810-00544
listermaraon: Happy Halloween 2015
listermaraon: Happy Halloween_7343
listermaraon: LM Photography_7454
listermaraon: LM Photography_7428
listermaraon: Jim the guitar guy_7586
ix_vengifor: With His glory we'll be holy.
ix_vengifor: Dreams will be clear at His time.
Di's Eyes: 4558. Fresh Raspberries
Urugallu: Ermita de Santa Catalina- Mundaka
Pawelus: sunrise /Explore
shotic: Bridge over quiet waters
shotic: DSC_8223
shotic: Tropiks
shotic: Torrential currents
Andrew Kufahl: All that remains of you...
jerome648: 6533_Tuesday Morning, Early February '14