Jan van der Wolf: Brown and green wall (on Explore)
Otto Berkeley: Electric Dreams
garyroustan: 2015.11.10 Oxford St by night (4)
VenusTraum: Hoffentlich kommt kein Zug
VenusTraum: Im Weinkeller
VenusTraum: Kunstwerk vor der Rheingoldhalle in Mainz
p.mathias: Train
moltofredo: vanguard
simonperet: ***
sasastro: And then there were five
Martin Hlinka Photography: Pavel Valoušek [Explore]
Sean Batten: Face Time - Explored
Colorado & Southern: Busy Evening at Green River
Jeffrey Barry: Ginza Repetition
Martin Hlinka Photography: Jozef Béreš jun.
silviabonanno1234: Sweet Beauty Dog Nica
Eilis88: A mirror for Clouds... And Trees - Lungarno Amerigo Vespucci, Florence
Eilis88: Shadow's geometry (and pigeons taking a break).
Eilis88: Rovescala at sundown
philippears: 8 - The Wait
Eilis88: Apricot flowers
Eilis88: Elegance of light
Eilis88: Towards silence.
Eilis88: Shadows and arches
McBruce: Over Assynt
Eilis88: Urban winter colors
GiannLui: Corridoio
GiannLui: Joe Pass guitar. Epiphone.