Matthew Soar: Dock side
Matthew Soar: The church
Matthew Soar: Picnic area
Matthew Soar: Church
Matthew Soar: Easy driving conditions in Iceland.
Matthew Soar: DSC_2064
Matthew Soar: Northern lights again
Matthew Soar: Wife, Mother in law and son.
Matthew Soar: Viking ship
Matthew Soar: Beautiful Iceland
Matthew Soar: Northern lights
Matthew Soar: Winters day -16
Matthew Soar: Dylan and rabbit
Matthew Soar: Wedding day
Matthew Soar: Military Macaw
Matthew Soar: Holidays
Matthew Soar: Frog on a wire
Matthew Soar: passage to nowhere
Matthew Soar: Christmas market
Matthew Soar: High tower
Matthew Soar: 500 ft up
Matthew Soar: The gate
Matthew Soar: From pillar to post
Matthew Soar: Berlin Mall
Matthew Soar: Olympic stadium Berlin
Matthew Soar: Olympic swimming pool
Matthew Soar: Misty Brandenburg Gate
Matthew Soar: Building on a street corner