DeirdreYrD: Common Frog (Rana temporaria)
DeirdreYrD: Grumpy Red Kite
DeirdreYrD: Happy New Year to all
DeirdreYrD: Merry Christmas and a very Happy Year to all
bella_blue_star: Portmarnock ICM Sunset-0579
DeirdreYrD: Kingfisher Bird
DeirdreYrD: Grey Heron
Olympus365: SWM Urban Landscapes Peter Picture 2
DeirdreYrD: Sunset heading home
Paul O'B: Budir Black Church
DeirdreYrD: Magical Autumn wonder of the vibrant red-capped fly agaric mushroom - macro image
Paul O'B: Glendalough Aurora
DeirdreYrD: Sunrise Macro Butterfly with Dew
DeirdreYrD: Spoon-winged lacewing that looks like a Butterfly (Nemoptera sinuata) Macro image
DeirdreYrD: Red Squirrel Antics
DeirdreYrD: Sunrise Sleepy Dalmation Pelican, Greece. Winner of the Wildlife and it's habitat section of the Flickr World Photography Day 2024 Contest.
DeirdreYrD: Common Kingfisher
DeirdreYrD: Grey Heron
DeirdreYrD: Great crested grebes
DeirdreYrD: Squirrel on Tap!
DeirdreYrD: Thirsty Pheasant
DeirdreYrD: Eurasian Goshawk
DeirdreYrD: Kingfisher Ballet
Paul O'B: Milky Way over Macgillycuddy Reeks
DeirdreYrD: Spoonbill precariously perched
DeirdreYrD: Kingfisher-Alcedo atthis
DeirdreYrD: Eurasian Jay Bird
DeirdreYrD: Glossy Ibis
DeirdreYrD: Red Squirrel hiding behind flowers
DeirdreYrD: Hoopoe gathering food for chicks