mattai: Welcome to Pennsylvania. #delawareriverbridge #benfranklinbridge
mattai: To make room for the tuna....
mattai: Doorless entry.
mattai: Postal Yoga
mattai: Leftovers Salad #breakfast
mattai: These fools
mattai: Creative Construction.
mattai: Grilled Samon / Soba in Miso and Soy with String Beens / Scallions and Sesame Seeds. #dinner #homemade
mattai: What the what?
mattai: Shout out to @yardsbrew. Ran into the amazing Ian at East Falls Beverage! Got a pint glass AND a bottle opener! Saison is out and summer is to come. #itsnoonsomewhere #yardsbrewing
mattai: Dropping my #nationalpuppyday photo here! ❤ Rhys & Ryu ❤ Our lives are forever changed because of your wonderful presence.
mattai: Patterns.
mattai: Kicking Ass at Grilling Tofu! #homemade #grilled #tofu #grilledtofu
mattai: #porkbuns #homemade pork belly, scallions, cucumber pickle with a tangy finish.
mattai: Bottling day #bottlingday
mattai: Play with me!! #englishbulldog #bulldog
mattai: digital buttocks.
mattai: No.
mattai: Roxanne. #youdonthavetotuenontheredlight
mattai: #friendies #sundayfunday
mattai: HI! 😂 #englishbulldog #bulldog
mattai: Made American Great Again by voting against an evil misogynistic child. #imwithher #lovetrumpshate #strongertogether
mattai: Too tired for treats....
mattai: #balancedbreakfast
mattai: Panels.
mattai: Oui oui!
mattai: #clowningaround
mattai: This just can't be bulldog love, you'll see.
mattai: Keeping sick daddy company. Such a good cuddler.
mattai: upload