Matt0513: Fallen Tree
Matt0513: North Park Lake, December 2018
Matt0513: Marshall Lake Shoreline
Matt0513: Island On North Park Lake
Matt0513: Overpass Stairwell
Matt0513: Nature Trail Roots
Matt0513: Lost Sandals
Matt0513: South Terrace At Night
Matt0513: Miller Bell Tower
Matt0513: Victorian Cottage Turret
Matt0513: Japanese Cottage
Matt0513: Private Dock
Matt0513: Hall of Christ
Matt0513: Parked Bicycle
Matt0513: Long Point State Park
Matt0513: Red Schwinn Bicycle, Palestine Park
Matt0513: Wild Grasses
Matt0513: Private Drive Fire Hydrant
Matt0513: Sweetgum Tree
Matt0513: Silver Maple Leaf
Matt0513: Creek Along the Rachel Carson Trail
Matt0513: Green Orchard Spider
Matt0513: Woodpecker Holes
Matt0513: North Park Trail
Matt0513: Overgrowth in Abandoned Pavilion
Matt0513: Wild Geranium
Matt0513: Golfing Green at Night
Matt0513: Budding Leaves